API credential will be used by Elastyc.ai to connect to our customer Greenhouse and help grading the candidates.
Follow the next steps to create and share the API key with our team:
Follow these steps to generate a new API credential through the Greenhouse Dashboard: https://support.greenhouse.io/hc/en-us/articles/5888163769883-Create-a-Harvest-API-key-for-an-integration
On the modal window to create a new credential, complete the following:
Click on the Manage permissions button, and make sure the following permissions are checked:
Activity FeedNote: More permissions might need to be added over time with the inclusion of new features in the application. These will be communicated.
Store in a safe place the API Key generated and share it with the Elastyc team.
An ISU member is a way for Greenhouse to have an internal member to be used within an integration without interfering with the rest of the users of the platform.
Follow the next steps to create and share the ISU with our team:
Follow these steps to generate a new API credential through the Greenhouse Dashboard: https://support.greenhouse.io/hc/en-us/articles/4405511253659-Create-an-ISU-for-an-integration
You can include any email with your company’s domain at the time of creation of the user, as it will not be used.
From the Greenhouse website: The ISU's email address should not be associated with a real user. The email address doesn't need to have a working inbox, because the ISU isn't required to log in to Greenhouse Recruiting, but the email address should use your company's domain.
Remember to chose Site Admin permissions and check all the permissions related to User-Specific Permissions.
Edit (following the previous steps) the previous user created, to update the First and Last Name
Locate and share with the Elastyc team the user ID for the ISU user following this guide: https://support.greenhouse.io/hc/en-us/articles/10765948752027-Find-your-Greenhouse-Recruiting-user-ID